So, I have fallen off the nutrition wagon.
I've had at least 4 chunks of cookie dough at 160 calories each.
I've dipped Crunchy Cheetos in hummus. It's better than it sounds.
I've had a piece of lasagna the size of my hand, crab rangoon and even white rice with my chicken and veggies.
This is just in the past 12 hours.
I will not be running tonight. I am however wallowing in fat, carbs and disappointment.
It is really hard to become a sponsored athlete. I don't have boobs. Seriously, no boobs, ran them off. I'm not a bikini model. I'm not a figure model. That's just not that type of athlete. I don't have a crazy inspirational story, I'm just a determined person who puts in the work. I'm certainly not saying that a lot of the athletes don't deserve it, I'm just feeling like I could be a good product athlete too.
I want one of these companies to believe in me as much as I believe in me.