Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Laying down some truthy riffs

I think it is crap that aged and non-aged humans alike receive participation trophies when they suck too much to kick ass at a competition. I am not surprised our job market is what it is because everyone feels they deserve something. No one deserves anything. Not one thing. Don't like it, tough, I don't care what you think, and I'm entitled to that. I will engage you in a lively and curse-laden discussion about any topic, but I will not hand you something simply because you in your mind believe it is yours.You work for something. You strive for something and hopefully along the way you are changed in a way you find rewarding. You might not make it to the end, but you should do it for YOU, not for the cheese.

Miffy talked about some things you should teach kids. I've got the flip side. Fair is a concept for five year-olds and you simply shouldn't teach it to them. The beyond grade school world does not ever adhere to those rules, and let's face it, fairness is relative like so many other things. It's not fair that animals die. It's not fair that anything dies ever really. It's not fair that people steal, it's not fair that some people work hard and get nowhere or have to give the fruit of their good work to someone who didn't try. It is, however, fair to legitimately lose sometimes, and to kick thieving hos in the less superior nuts.

Rewards are like blowjobs, sometimes you get/give them, but mostly you have a headache and no one goes down, up, or anywhere else. Learn to swallow it.

Lie of the night
Contrails are actually the web of a giant sky spider. Space shuttle missions are routinely postponed to prevent getting stuck, captured, entombed or generally angering the sky spider.

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