Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 2 - Weeping brown eye and verpees

Last night:
Sleep? We don’t need no stinking sleep. Apparently somewhere between teal meth dose 2 and bedtime my brain lost all ability to shut down. It’s 1 am, I’m thinking about what to get my dad for his birthday. At midnight I was thinking about taxes. Not stressed, just thinking. I might have solved cancer if you put it in front of me last night. I think I may have been a teensy bit late on Dose 2 and was about….2 hours late on the night time stuff. Wheeeeee. However, on my two-2 hour sleep chunks, I was still able to get up, get ready, and drive NINETY minutes to work in the snow. Teal meth is effective.

Before and after Dose 1:
Nausea. Before taking it to the point of having to choke it and the requisite food down with my iron will. 2 Pepto in and I still have to be fearful of farts. Stomach and colon have revolted against the teal dictator. It’s better with gum in my arsenal, which helps with the tremendous fount’o’spit that used to be a free space under my tongue too. Eating is not so interesting, but I certainly didn’t think THAT was how this supplement would help. Oh, and the citrus burp from yesterday, I think it’s a warning that I will be burping and hesitantly farting down the aisle of a nearby team I hate for the next 6 hours.

As much as it confuses me, I seem to be less nauseated when I’m active and moving. Again, not sure how I expected this to work, but that wasn’t what I thought. This makes me question my workout tonight. Will I pass out? Will my heart explode? Will I shit my yoga pants at the gym? Stay tuned, answers tonight at 11!

So, it would have been super helpful to know there's a tolerance period where you're only supposed to take 1 teal meth. It would also be helpful if they told you that 2 to start makes your butt cry. A lot. I dropped my intake.

Dose 2, only 1 pill this time:
MF stole my yogurt! I was all ready for a taste of Hawaii with my pineapple on the bottom, and MF stole it. I’m not full on raging, but this is an ongoing issue with the work fridge. So much so that at one point I employed cat poop. Blog for another day.

Workout is suffering, so this might not last too much longer. When burpees turn to verpees and I get a core workout from holding my heaves back and the millionth hiccup of the day, not a calorie burning workout.  BREAKING NEWS AT 11: Only 2 out of the three came close to happening, I'll let you fill in the blanks with whatever options you like.

Day 2 verdict: Teal meth, now with 100% more morning sickness!

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